The chase for Roark began out of a desire to tell stories born of adventure and discovery in the form of a man – he’s the shadowy adventurer that disappears into Mexico for six months camping, only to surface in Paris drinking Bordeaux with a diplomat. Each season we find Roark in a different part of the world, telling stories of exploration. The product and stories we create empower people to discover self through authentic, youthful, modern and purposeful adventure on the road less traveled.

Project: Brand Identity
Categories: Logotype, Brandmark
“Roark is a transient adventurer. A faceless traveler who stands for something more primal and primitive than what is expected, Truth, Loyalty & Roots. Shrouded in anonymity, anywhere he visits he leaves behind nothing but stories of his myth and his signature, a mysterious glyph.
Logotype & Brandmark
The Roark glyph is based off of a set of cryptograms developed by train hopping transients referred to as “Hobo Glyphs”. They are used as a secret language to communicate dangers, opportunities and and general information about their surroundings.
In particular, the Roark glyph is based on the the “Hobo Glyph” meaning “Safe Camp”.