DC Shoe Co. partnered with Vividminds to develop and design their print catalog for the US, Europe and Australia market. Everything from: creative direction, art direction, concept, photography, design, page layout, illustration, technology naming conventions and iconography were created and actualized.

DC Shoe Co.
Project: Catalog Design & Development
Categories: Art Direction, Photography, Design & Layout, Illustration, Naming, Iconography.
Execution & Strategy
Creating and developing the DC Snow Catalog required 100% strategy and 100% execution. We designated our veteran heavy hitters who’s talents are multi-dimensional, a first-string team exceedingly capable of delivering the impossible. Our internal mantra was born throughout this project, coined – GSD “Get Sh!t Done!” The warrior call rears its creative head when needed. Having a well thought out strategy is vital in developing any large and comprehensive creative project. There are many moving pieces and parts that are happening all at once. It takes a good coach to pull it all together and make sure all requirements are being met and the plan is moving forward according to schedule. Fortunately, this wasn’t our first rodeo and the warriors came to play and deliver the goods. The entire project from “start-to-finish” was created and delivered within three months, on time and within budget!
Name of the Game
We were also responsible for the naming conventions and iconography design for the technology used through the product lines including: boots, boards and outerwear. The designs were incorporated “laterally” within the overall design and marketing initiatives used throughout the year.
Image is Everything
When it come to design, producing a visually arresting concept demands the best in visual imagery. We called upon our key “go-to” photographers to help shoot the entire catalog “head-to-toe” shooting the entire product line as well as the lifestyle and team riders.